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Special Events
Here are some events that TCIONY has organized:

09.20.23 TAG The State of Our Schools Address
Senior T.A.G. Ambassador Amy spoke to DOE officials at the NYC DOE State of Our Schools address.

09.22.23 TAG Options NYC
TCIONY meets with to discuss an upcoming partnership.

10.02.23 TAG Crasel Launch
TAG Ambassadors attended the launch of Crasel, showing the importance of power through community.

10.04.23 TAG Harlem Town Hall
TAG Ambassador Boobi spoke and represented all NYC YOUTH with excellency.

10.05.23 TAG Night Tanya Pope VP Columbia University
VP from Columbia University, Tanya Pope visited TAG Night to speak about some powerful tools on LEADERSHIP, how to obtain Executive Presence, and the gift of receiving GIFTS.

10.10.23 Youth Leadership Council Kickoff Madison Square Garden
TAG Youth attended the Youth Leadership Council kickoff at Madison Square Garden presenting on "Recruitment, Retention and Engagement".

10.11.23 TAG 28th Precinct Council Meeting
TAG Ambassadors attend the 28th Precinct's council meeting and speak about youth and their mental health.

10.12.23 TAG Night Conversations
TAG Youth used their voices to speak about some issues in our community.

10.16.23 TAG Advice from New Yorkers
TAG ambassadors went out into the community and asked New Yorkers to give all of the TAG'ers some positive advice.

10.20.23 SEL Bronx Theatre
Reverend Al and Janet Cohen go into Bronx Theatre Highschool to teach youth about Social and Emotional learning.

10.27.23 TAG Night
TAG Youth used their voices to speak about some issues in our community

11.01.23 TAG SEL TMA Kailyn and Kaila
2 Senior Tag ambassadors go into NYC public schools to talk about the transition from Highschool to College.

11.03.23 TAG Night NYC Community Affairs Mark Stewart
TAG Youth speak to Mark Stewart from Community Affairs helping to bridge the gap between youth and Police Officers.

11.05.23 TAG News Interview CWTC
TAG ambassadors go on the News to spread awareness and inform about the meeting with the commissioners that is coming up.

11.13.23 Conversation with the Commissioners
TAG Youth tackles the problems they experience by having a conversation with their Commissioners

12.25.23 Christmas Toy Giveaway
In collaboration with Roads to Success, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, The NY Knicks, the Queen of Harlem, NYPD, and the Christian Cultural Center, TCIONY hosted a Christmas Party and Toy giveaway for families in and outside of Harlem.

12.26.23 Hoop Bus with Julius Randle
In partnership with TCIONY, The HOOP BUS, along with The Knicks' Julius Randle, bring Christmas Cheer to our partner schools.

01.11.24 When Harlem Saved a King School Screening
Students from Thurgood Marshall Academy attended a screening of Reverend Al and Janet Cohen's documentary film, "When Harlem Saved a King."

Conversation with the Commissioners 2023
On November 13, 2023, over 400 students attended our event at the Forum at Columbia University to have a discussion with eight key New York City commissioners. Schools in attendance submitted questions in advance to ask the commissioners, and the conversation was moderated by two youth ambassadors from TCIONY's Teaching a Generation (TAG) Program. TAG ambassadors also presented an award to each commissioner for their service to the city and its young people. This event gave NYC students the opportunity to use their voices to gain an understanding of what city commissioners do and tell their city's leaders what is important to them.

Meeting Mayor Adams TAG Night
Harlem Youth had the opportunity to have a conversation Mayor Eric Adams, asking questions about what the Mayor does and what he is doing for NYC youth, especially black and brown youth.

The Truth About Drugs: Lessons from the Lab

National Night Out 2023

Summer Youth EXPLOSION 2023

Empowered KIDS

NYPD Graffiti Cleanup
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Heart of the Father Event

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